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tree peony 【植物;植物學】牡丹。

tree percent

Tree peony and herb peony have similar leaves , tree peony is tree plants , herb peony is herbaceous plants . both of then are the most beautiful and most exotic flowers in the world . the original country of tree peony is in china . peony is the sympol of happiness and prosperity for chinese people 牡丹原產中國,又名木芍藥富貴花百兩金。它雍容華貴,國色天香,被譽為“百花之王”的中國“國花” 。牡丹是中華民族興旺發達繁榮昌盛,人民生活幸福美好吉祥如意的象征。

Heze xinjun flowers and trees co . , ltd . is a professional company with the fixed assets of rmb10 , 000 , 000 . 00 , covering an area of 133 , 200 . 00 square meters ; in line with latest growing technology and market orientation , we have developed a large varieties of flowers including tree peony , shaoyao , shrubs and bonsai in total number of 150 kinds , of which the area of shaoyao reaching 66 , 600 square meters including over 100 varieties , apart from those we have modern greenhouse in area of 1000 菏澤市信君花木開發有限公司在原有的基礎上,已發展牡丹200畝,現有品種150多個芍藥100多畝,品種100多個盆景溫室一千多平方和花灌木上百畝。本公司主要經營的牡丹芍藥遠銷日本美國英國荷蘭等國和古城洛陽西安北京杭州廣州深圳等地區。

In the first year , let tree peonies grow freely , many new buds will germinate . in the second year , when the new buds grow as high as 10cm , you can select several stronger buds as main stmes , other stems shall be cut off . every 2 years , you can select another one or two new buds as main stems , so that plants shape can develop and plim step by step 牡丹定植后,第一年任其生長,可在根頸外萌發出許多新芽俗稱土芽第二年春天時,待新芽長至10m左右時,可從中挑選幾個生長健壯充實分布均勻者保留下來,作為主要枝干俗稱定股,余者全部除掉。

In the present study , a portion ( the big intron between exon 5 and 6 , ca . 2 kb ) of glycerol - 3 - phosphate acyltransferase ( gpat ) gene of 15 wild tree peony accessions collected from 15 populations were analyzed using pcr - rflp technique and 9 accessions representing all of 8 species in sect . moutan were sequenced 本文對采自15個野生居群,代表牡丹組全部8個野生種的15份材料的gpat基因片段(外顯子5和6之間的內含子)進行了pcr - rflp分析,并對代表牡丹組全部8個野生種的9份材料進行了測序。

During growing season , spray the plants with liquid of bordeaux mixture every 10 - 15 days , 2 or 3 times is enough . 3 . do not buy tree peonies with disease , do not plant tree peonies too close , soil must has good drainage ability , 2生長季節化學防治:生長季節一旦發病可采用下列藥劑進行噴霧防治: 1 %石灰等量式波爾多液, 70 %甲基托布津1000倍液, 65 %代森鋅500倍液,或50 %氯硝胺1000倍液。

In order to let your tree peonies flourish and produce large and vivid flowers , you shall obey below instructions , 1 . choose appropriate place chinese tree peonies shall be planted in loose , fertile soil with good drainage ability 故選擇地勢高燥寬敞通風并有側方遮陰以及土層深厚疏松肥沃排水良好之地,是栽培中國牡丹首選的最佳用地,而最忌選用生土粘土鹽堿土以及澇洼之地。

Because of the special position of the genus paeonia in angiosperms and the enormous economic value of cultivated tree peonies , it is of great importance to have a better understanding of the interspecific relationships among species in sect 由于芍藥屬在被子植物中的特殊系統位置和栽培牡丹重要的經濟價值,研究牡丹組的種間關系具有重要的理論和實踐意義。

Tree peony and herb peony are famous flowers in china and abroad . they have been planted in japan , us , uk , the netherlands and other countries . they can be enjoyed in many family gardens all over the world 牡丹芍藥,花中奇葩,譽滿中外,是世界人民鐘愛之花。日本美國英國荷蘭等相繼引種,在五洲四海安家落戶,竟相開放,香飄萬里,富滿乾坤。

A , peony grey mould qqq is one of the most common diseases for tree peonies . this disease can occur during any season , young tree peonies with this disease always fall even wilt 灰霉病是世界上牡丹的重要病害之一,在我國也時有發生,上海鄭州等地較嚴重,該病在牡丹的生長季節均可發生,對幼嫩植株危害嚴重,引起幼苗的倒伏枯萎。

Our tree peony and shaoyao have been sold to luoyang , xian , beijing , hangzhou , guangzhou , shenzhen and other domestic cities , and exported to japan , us , uk , holland and other countries 為了發展曹州牡丹資源,利用其獨特優勢。本公司以純正的品種,上乘的服務,歡迎新老客戶及國內外賓朋來菏澤作客,實地考察。

The fine varieties breeding center of heze peony is dedicated to developing fine varieties of tree peony and herbaceous peonies , spreading new technology powered by scientific research 菏澤牡丹良種繁育中心以科研為動力、以科技為依托,致力于牡丹、芍藥良種的開發、新技術的推廣。

The fine varieties breeding center of heze peony is dedicated to developing fine varieties of tree peony and herbaceous peonies , spreading new technology powered by scientific research 菏澤綠嘉牡丹基地以科研為動力、以科技為依托,致力于牡丹、芍藥良種的開發、新技術的推廣。

Tree peony is the national flower of china , standing for “ national color and heavy fragrance “ king of all the flowers “ , it is the symbol of happiness and prosperity for chinese people 牡丹中國的國花,世稱“國色天香“ , “花中之王“被我國人民視為幸福和平,繁榮昌盛的象征。

The principle of watering is : keeping soil humid . chinese tree peonies like fertilizers , proper fertilizing can help plants flourish and produce large and vivid flowers 一般初栽之苗要澆透水,入冬之前要澆透水,其他則可因地因花酌情澆水。

China is not only the origin place of wild tree peonies , but also the origin and development center of all cultivated tree peonies 中國不僅是所有野生牡丹的原產地,也是牡丹栽培品種的起源地和發展中心。牡丹組sectionmoutandc

Effect of ga3 treatments with different concentrations on the growth and development of tree peony was studied m the condition of forcing culture 摘要以3個牡丹品種為試材,研究不同濃度赤霉素處理對不同牡丹品種生長發育的影響。

Tree peonies with this disease grow very slowly , leaves of tree peonies with this disease always wither earlier 褐斑病又叫紅斑病,是牡丹常發生的世界性病害。常引起葉片早枯,影響牡丹的生長勢。

Until today , heze has the largest planting and sightseeing area of tree peony and shaoyao in the world 特一年一度的“菏澤牡丹花會” ,吸引了數以百萬計的世界各地游客前來賞花,觀光。

Then mulch the plants with soil after watering . 3 . watering and fertilizing in general , tree peonies do not like much water 栽植深度應使根頸與土面平或稍低為宜,不可過深或過淺。